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About Us


About us

Say hello to creativity, passion, possibilities and joy. 


We raise brows due to our unique brand name. KuKarma was founded by two individuals with a passion for painting, teaching and fondness for animals. We want to spread joy through art and nourishing souls. We are trying to give back to society by building a thriving creative business. 


We are quite creative, motivated and want to spread joy. We are avid travellers, voracious readers, movie lovers and passionate for teaching. We love the shining possibility of working with other creative entrepreneurs. 


Kukarma had a very modest beginning but it has been grown into a successful business by Neha Gupta and Vibhu Kumar with their endless passion and sheer hard work. 


Neha Gupta, a highly trained classical Tabla player, was working as an HR at a reputed organization. To quote her, “I would get back home after a tiring day at work then work on till midnight poring over books, painting and honing my skills. It was tiring but the joy of creating amazing art would fill me up with energy. 


She would take workshops on the weekends teaching kids and adults. “I used to fill up with an amazing joy seeing others playing with paint”, she says. I paint, craft, smudge and smear like my life and heart are depended on it. Soon she was working on commissioned portraits and abstract arts. In the end, she decided to pursue her passion full time and as they say rest is history. 


Vibhu Kumar, a writer with a book published, titled THIS 4231. He is now working on his second book, a graphic novel. He enjoys painting digitally and prides himself on being a huge comic book and film fan. “We thought long and hard and settled with the name KuKarma and soon things started aligning themselves”, he says. We share the same belief of spreading joy to the world. 


We display our amazing creativity at different exhibitions and trade fairs all around the country. KuKarma is invited to many renowned workshops and displays to share our art with the world. We got one of the best responses at the Bengaluru Comic-Con 2019. Our art was sold out within hours of the start. It was a pretty amazing and humbling experience for us. Fans filled us with tears of joy. 


Our art ranges from traditional forms like inks, pencils, oil, acrylics, watercolour to the latest digital mediums. They say, “Our art is a nostalgic reminder of all things gold.” We always teach to see things with an open mind and see the world differently because normal is boring. 


Our product range includes posters, T-shirts, artistic magnets, badges and personalized artwork. We are trying many new things to bring in the market. We are always trying to innovate to better our skills. Our art and work are spreading like wildfire across the country and even overseas. 


We are thankful to everyone for their love, support and care. Our journey was not possible without the people who stood by us in our hard times and continue to stand by us now. We need your encouragement, it fills us with a new sensation and creative vibes. We have just started and we have a long way to go. 


At KuKarma, We believe in getting better every day. Each day brings something new to learn and grow. We are all about passion and loving our work. We want to celebrate life. 


We want to give something back to our society. We donate a portion of our income for the study of underprivileged kids. Our next goal is to start an NGO dedicated to animal welfare. 


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About Neha

Neha Gupta has always had a need for a creative outlet. She holds a post graduation in Tabla and has also spent a couple of years as a classically trained dancer. But her real passion has always been painting. While being adept at water colors, she prefers acrylics. She also holds regular workshops wherein she talks about the fundamentals of art, doodling and how to be a creative.

Neha Gupta has had her paintings displayed at various exhibitions and galleries, Triveni Kala Sangam and Tanshi's gallery, being a few. Her personal commissions are usually centred around still life. Currently, working on a series of Birds to be displayed at the galleries around the country, she can be seen with her beloved puppy, Walt.


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